Written by Leslie Rivera

🔺Landing Page or Website? Which one should I use?🤔👌🏻🔺

📌If you're starting with your business or company, you probably have many doubts about what will work best for you: Landing Page design or Website design. 😱

Don't worry, you've come to the right place. Here you will clear up all your concerns. 🙌🏻

☝🏻First of all, you have to define what goal you want to achieve at this moment. Think of it this way: do you want to publish something clear, quick, and effective? Or are you looking to introduce an entire project?👌🏻🤯

Here we provide you with two examples:⬇️

⭕️ If you want to showcase something unique, whether it's a product, an app, or a service, and make it a magnet to capture visitor information and try to turn them into a potential customer, perhaps a landing page is your best option!

⭕️ If you are interested in presenting all the details of your business, including help sections, forums, blogs, ways to get in touch with you, etc., then a Website is what you need.

The main difference between a Landing Page and a Website is: ✨🤔

It's very simple, see it this way.😉

🔺The design of a Landing Page has the sole purpose of encouraging the visitor to take action and purchase the product or service. Every visitor is a potential customer.

🔺The design of Websites is much broader, and their purposes are diverse. They can aim to inform, entertain, persuade, sell, fundraise, etc.

- April 19, 2023​


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