Written by ANA RANGEL

❌Illustration in Marketing❌

The illustration is any graphic created through vectors or pixels with the purpose of conveying a message through its shapes and colors.

Major brands have run campaigns where they primarily use illustrations to convey the message of their product 😉; this is also a visually appealing way to attract an audience and makes it easier for consumers to remember a brand 😄.

5 ways illustration helps your brand:

❌ Nostalgia and Connection 🫶🏻 Creates a sense of familiarity and interest in the brand; it's easier to empathize with a brand whose graphic style is based on striking shapes and colors.

❌ Generation of Fantasy and Perfect Worlds ✨ Through illustration, you can create and showcase a greater number of visions, using visual elements that accompany products to capture a larger number of potential customers.

❌ Virtues of the Product and/or Service 😌 Visually illustrates a series of steps or benefits of a product, providing assistance to the buyer.

❌ Emotional Attachment ❤️‍🩹 Creating a character helps the audience empathize with the brand; it's meant to attract the attention of a younger audience and allows for interactions with customers.

❌ Visual Communication 👀 Simplifies messages and enhances understanding; for consumers, it's more comfortable to comprehend a topic through a graphic with minimal supporting text.

-May 17, 2023​


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